"Dream On" CD Now Available

We are happy to announce that our latest CD, "Dream On", is now available exclusively at CD Baby. You can get both digital downloads of the album or the actual physical CD. This is a collection of eighteen new songs and stories about everything from technology to gender to life itself! If you want Lyrics & Liner Notes, here they are! The critics are enthusiastic about this one. "Their life experience rolls out tunefully in lyrics from the deceptively simple to the clever, witty and sophisticated. There's treasure to be found within." Check out reviews by Bart Greenberg and Marilyn Lester in Cabaret Scenes Magazine.

We had a blast recording this album. First of all we were working with the wonderful John Kilgore at his lovely and intimate recording studio in the gorgeous Film Building on 9th Avenue here in NYC. Very comfortable. This whole thing was an experiment. We're always pushing the envelope. So, in addition to recording the CD we were also joined by a film crew from Apogee Media, under the direction of Bill Hopkins. They were with us for all three days recording the takes, getting interview footage and behind-the-scenes goings on. We're happy to report that it all went smoothly. We were able to stay right on schedule and we are very happy with the result. The "Dream On, a songwriting life" music documentary, based on these recording sessions, is in the works.

We experimented with this CD by adding monologues into the mix. When we do our live performances, we always tie the songs together with lead-ins of monologues and stories, so we thought why not record some of those stories as well as the songs? It's a unique listening experience. We wanted you to feel like you were our special guest at a live performance.

Hope you enjoy "Dream On"!


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